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SOSNA Board Elections


The SOSNA Board of Directors is a working volunteer Board that establishes the policies and helps implement the programs and activities of the organization. The SOSNA board is an elected volunteer body, made up of 15 people from the neighborhood. Each board member serves a 3-year term and can only serve 2 consecutive terms, for a total of 6 years.


This year we will have six (6) open positions to fill on the Board. All nominations are accepted but this year we are hoping to find candidates with any of the following skills/experiences:


  • Accounting/non-profit finance background or prior experience on a finance committee

  • Prior non-profit board experience with a successful track record in fundraising and development

  • An engaged community leader

  • An engaged community leader involved with a local religious institution at a leadership or board level

  • An engaged individual who is a woman/woman-identifying, LGBTQIA+, and/or person of color

  • An interest in chairing/co-chairing a SOSNA Committee


SOSNA’s Board of Directors strives to be representative of our population of neighbors. Our Board of Directors and volunteers shape our programs and initiatives as we work towards community safety that supports and heals, not disenfranchises and displaces. SOSNA is committed to creating programs and initiatives that cultivate a diverse and inclusive neighborhood. We will continue to embrace the rich history of our neighborhood, build a Board that represents the community  and aspire to create an environment that empowers its residents by providing access to resources, clean and green spaces, equitable development, safer streets, and community support, including those of all races, ages, gender identities, LGBTQAI+ identities, socioeconomic statuses, varying abilities, ethnicities, perspectives and experiences. We will achieve this mission through intentional listening, story sharing and displaying empathy while purposefully centering voices of historically excluded individuals and communities.


All nomination applications are welcome.


SOSNA will accept board nominations ONLINE until Thursday, October 19, 2023


According to SOSNA bylaws, nominees must meet the following criteria:


  • Must be a full SOSNA Member (register here, it’s FREE)

    • To be a member, you must have your primary residence or who own real estate within SOSNA’s boundaries, have a business owned and/or headquartered within SOSNA’s boundaries, or direct a nonprofit organization headquartered within SOSNA’s boundaries

  • Be willing to serve at least one three (3) year term on SOSNA's Board of Directors

  • Meet monthly on the last Wednesday of the month at 7:00p for our Board Meetings.  These are held in-person at the SOSNA Office at 1901 Washington Ave. (Unit B).


If you accept the nomination, we will ask that you submit all of the following by Thursday, October 19, 2023:



SOSNA will post Board nominee’s question responses on our website to be viewed by voters 1 week prior to the in-person election meeting.  The election and voting for the five (5) candidates will be held online for 1 week and in-person on Wednesday, November 1, 2023 from 6:00-8:00pm EST at the SOSNA Office.   


Candidates are asked to attend this event in-person.  Each candidate will get 4-5 minutes for their campaign speech and a short Q & A session from community members.  The vote ballot will be released after all candidates have spoken.  Voting will end at 8:00pm (no exceptions).  


*You must be a SOSNA Member in order to vote (register here, it’s FREE). 

Following the voting period, ballots will be counted by an independent volunteer election committee and results will be shared on November 2, 2023 by email and posted on our website.

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