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1600 Carpenter - Community Meeting #1 Recap

SOSNA hosted the first community input meeting for 1600 Carpenter, the site of Hoa Binh Plaza. The project was presented via ZOOM on Wednesday, October 7, 2020 to over 50 neighbors and impacted parties by the project’s Attorney, Dawn Tancredi (Zarwin Baum) architect, Rustin Ohler (HDO Architects) and developer Jesse Lawrence (Streamline Philly).

The L-shaped parcel proposed mostly front Carpenter, 16th and Washington Ave. The Southeast corner (1601 Washington Avenue) of the lot is owned by another party and is not under review currently and is not being developed simultaneously with 1600 Carpenter. The applicant is proposing to demolish the existing building. The parcel is currently zoned I-2 with a total area of 60,000 sqft. The north side of the parcel will consist of twelve (12) single family homes with 1 car garage, five (5) seven-family dwellings with 2 car garage and seven (7) two-family dwellings. The south side of the parcel will be home to one mixed use parcel containing 34 underground parking spaces, 1 commercial space on the first floor and 132 apartments above the commercial (7 stories). The plan is to subdivide the north and south lots and develop them separately (excluding the corner 1601 Washington Avenue).

The site has pedestrian walkways throughout and a drive aisle between the townhomes and seven-family dwellings with a combination of up/down lighting and integrated landscape design. Each structure has roof decks but no pilot houses are proposed.

Some common questions and concerns that arose during the meeting included:

  • The relationship between 1601 Washington parcel and 1600 Carpenter (different owners; will be developed separately; 1601 Washington Ave has a valid permit)

  • The process for this project (pursuing ordinance through City Council; will host more community input meetings followed by a vote from the community to get approval; will work on legislation with Councilman Johnson; expect to do subdivide the lots and develop them simultaneously mid- to late-2021)

  • General concern about this Streamline’s work history and how safety and quality materials can be guaranteed for this project (Committed to going above and beyond hitting the marks for quality construction).

  • Potential occupants for the commercial space and future of displaced Hoa Binh Plaza tenants (currently seeking a commercial tenant for the 15,000 sqft space; willing to create opportunities for displaced tenants)

  • Hiring of women/minority owned businesses and contractors (Pursuing ordinance route which his minimum requirements for contractors; SOSNA CBA components include minority, disabled and women-owned contractors and commercial tenants)

  • Trash collection for all tenants (homes on drive aisle will be picked up through private collection; designing an interior trash enclosure for duplexes and two-family dwellings)

  • Concerns about seven (7) story building looming over Chadwick for safety and privacy reasons (committed to presenting a shadow study at the next meeting; meeting with near, impacted neighbors; and designing a “wedding cake” tier from Chadwick toward the center of the parcel).

  • Concern about displacement of Hoa Binh Plaza tenants and the gentrification of the area

  • Concern about parking, especially for customers of commercial space(proposing 25% parking ratio + car sharing spaces; no spaces available for customers of commercial space - expect them to walk or bike)

  • Affordability of residential and commercial spaces (most of the north side of the parcel will be sold at “market value” but a few will be sold at 80% of Area Median Income (AMI) and will start in the high $200ks up to the low $300ks; the remainder will start in the high $400ks; uncertain about apartment pricing at this time).

  • General construction safety and regulations during the construction process and Streamline’s past violations (Will need proper permitting and assess impact; asbestos inspections, dust mitigation will occur through construction process; re: environmental remediation - the acquisition process looks at geo tech and phase 1 examination and report; stated there are laws in place for demolition)

  • Placement and space for commercial deliveries and trash trucks (delivery vehicle parking is designed with tenant but they do not have a tenant currently; homes on drive aisle will be picked up through private collection; designing an interior trash enclosure for duplexes and two-family dwellings)

SOSNA has proposed a draft Community Benefits Agreement (CBA) including affordable housing, local hiring, public open/green space, etc. to Streamline but further negotiations have not occurred. It was stated that if Streamline agrees to a CBA and pursues an ordinance for the project, the CBA will be tied to the ordinance/bill and will be enforceable by law.

The video recording of this presentation is available here. You can also review the plans presented at the first community meeting here.


We will be requesting updated plans from the developer and then schedule a second community meeting. If SOSNA’s Zoning Committee and the community determine that the project has received enough input, we will host a community vote on the project.


Follow SOSNA (@southofsouthphl) on social media to get up-to-date information about meetings.


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